

 Not lonely, not insane, not brave, nor sorry, I am the one who loves someone from top to toe, from always to infinity, like love should do

Not desperate, not unfaithfull, a bit  empty, but not meaningful, I'm the one who still loves you

It started so long ago, from a true magiciens flare, and it was so beautiful and clair that I still have my eyes set on yours, with serenity and passion

Oh, lover, fenitian eyes you have. I cannot see you without our common destiny come across my memory, the nights in hell, the nights in pleasure that we still can make happen

Not sad, not afraid I can finaly celebrate the death of my name among the others, among the universe, but I shall never celebrate the end of my true affectiveness to you, my dear sensitive man, as long as my senses are open to your sweetness

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