

Shelter, the word came across
as I hear the rough wind
spreading sounds of fear
as I hear the trees mumbling words
made of eternal whispers

I recognise the shelter
as I set time to the beginning.

I recognise the protection
the first men found in some places
where he could feel safe
and comfortable

that's a shelter
the warm walls
that separate us from the rough wind
and the rain, and the snow falling
from the indifferent skies above.

is also the sound where we can find comfort
and that might be either close or distant
the sound of clouds silently passing by
and silently carried by the wind
the rain knocking at the windows
the music we hear on the clocks

because a shelter can be inside
like flames that we can burn alone
and reborn as far as we need them
to come.

Built yourself a safe shelter for the new year to come

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